ThinkForward submits evidence to the Department for Works & Pensions

ThinkForward Ambassador, Kiianu Glasgow submitted evidence to a round table of MPs from the DWP select committee on employment opportunities for young people. Kiianu answered all the MPs questions clearly and concisely, giving a fuller picture of what it is like to be a young person looking for work.

Also in attendance in the public gallery was ThinkForward apprentice Amy Coulson. Amy wrote up her visit to the House of Commons below:

Hearing Kiianu speak made me feel so happy to be part of an amazing charity who want to help young people like us. Having her represent our work was a fantastic idea, she was great!

It was my first experience going to parliament and hearing someone speak about ThinkForward. As we entered the building it was like being at the airport with people’s bags being checked and searched. I felt so nervous but I couldn’t explain why. It  was just a situation you do not expect. The building inside is so unique with the designs and especially all the paintings.

All the MPs who asked questions seemed very intrigued by what ThinkForward does and I hope next time they make a decision that affects young people, they think about what Kiianu said, “young people don’t just want a job, they want a career.”

Overall the experience was incredible and I would love to attend another in the future.

ThinkForward to join Epic Foundation Portfolio

We’re delighted to announce that this year ThinkForward has been selected to join the Epic Foundation portfolio. After receiving a record 1,900 applications from 110 countries around the world, Epic Foundation has selected us as one of their 10 new Epic Portfolio organisations. ThinkForward will be added to a list of now 30 organisations that are making a difference for children and young people around the world and that donors can choose to support through Epic.

Founded in 2014, is a global not-for-profit startup based in New York City. Epic Foundation bridges the gap between a new generation of individual and corporate donors and organizations supporting children and youth. They develop new tools focused on enhancing how donors select, monitor and experience their impact. Their vision is to disrupt the philanthropic industry by combining passion and expertise with game-changing technology and partnerships.

“Through our portfolio of rigorously vetted social organizations, we are connecting the next generation of donors with charities that are saving lives and empowering children and youth globally.” said Alexandre Mars, CEO and Founder.

“We have used our passion, our energy and one of the most advanced selection methodologies to review the applications: I am confident that the resulting 2016 Epic Portfolio includes some of the finest NGOs and social enterprise around the world,” Nicola Crosta, Executive Vice President of Epic Foundation.